National Park Biogradska gora
The Biogradska Gora National Park was founded in 1952. Situated in the north-eastern part of Montenegro, between the Lim and Moraca rivers, in the central part of the Durmitor mountain, it occupies an area of 5,650 hectares. Dotted with mountain ranges, cracked by streams and bays, adorned with beautiful lakes, surrounded by evergreen forests and gentle meadows, is a magnificent gift of nature. There are features of all places, appetizers, regions, something like a matrix; in the narrower sense of the cities we recognize them; or the unmistakable magic of the perfect harmony of nature that must be followed by mysterious origins. So if we find ourselves in the central part of the heart of Montenegro, near Pljevalja, life will suddenly become more exciting, because from the top of Durmitor we can suddenly see Montenegro as a whole. For only a few hours of walking we will find in N.P Biogradska Gora - in one of the last three rainforests in Europe, and if we dare to step further deeper into the depths of the mountain, we will swim to the most beautiful: the emerald colors of the beautiful Lake Biograd.We will quickly realize that this is all in our place: the centuries-old forests, and colorful flowers, and the legend of the lake that has been telling the ages that the villaes had previously run the wheel on the rug, which is today's most intimate part. At that spot where the perch is today, it was once the common ground of two brothers. In the argument that arose when a grain split on a rug, a younger brother kills an older man. The plague of sorrow, the mother of the son of a slave, and by the force of her curse, the land was shed in the place where the ground was, and so there was a lake. But there is something left to the eye - far from the eyes of the public, beautiful and delicious.Njegova zaštita datira još od 1878. godine, kada je ova teritorija postala Knjažev zabran, poklon ondašnjem gospodaru Crne Gore knjazu Nikoli. Pejzaž je izuzetno pitom, sa dominantnom zelenom bojom usled prostranstava jedinstvenih šumskih ekosistema, koje smenjuju živopisni krajolici sa livadskom vegetacijom.
Glacial forms of reliefs such as peaks high and over 1000 meters (Black head - 1,069 - {m} -) and glacial waves and circuses, with several glacial lakes, give an unprecedented homelessness. In the clear lakeside waters, all the beauty of an ancient forest, about one-thousand-year-long and a width of about four hundred meters wide, gives a light-colored color to almost transparent waters, especially its northern part of the coast, which is still called the Jarce's side.
The only thing that appears unimaginably in the reflection of the glass of water is the jungle beech trees of old and over five hundred years old, the diameter of which is about fifty centimeters and a height of up to fifty meters. The scene to such an extent arouses imagination and leaves the impression of a deep mystery that everyone who has touched this natural harmony is trapped in the dark shadow of the rainforest, where the sun is barely touched, and the scent of forestry shows the vast variety of plant and animal species , who are the natural guardians and the living shield of every villain. The most significant natural value of this national park is the Biogradska gora, which occupies an area of 4500 hectares and is one of the last three in Europe.
It has the character of a strictly reserved reservoir. The green lungs of this part of the Balkans are located between the rays of Tara and Lima. In 1878, the Rainbow was donated to Nikola and since then he was protected by the state. There are 26 plant communities, more than 200 species of birds, and many wild animals have been found in it. In the heart of the rainforest there is the beautiful Biogradsko jezero, the largest and most famous in the series of Ice Lake in the area of national park. In the clear lakeside waters is reflected all the beauty of the ancient forest, giving it a light green color and making the landscape so impressive that it is a deep impression. There, in the midst of the centuries-old forests, everything is somewhat in their place: and the precious iceberg's "mountain eyes", and the multicolored flowers on the gentle meadows, and the legend of the lake where they used to be. In shallow waters, the story of ancient times, once belonged to the common estate of two brothers. In the controversy over grain, the younger brother killed the older one. Broken by the pain, the mother was a son of a slander, and by the force of her curse the land was sunk in the place where she was, so a lake was born. But there is something left in the fairytale - hidden deep inside the circus, with the infinite beauty that everybody in her mind can enjoy.
In the clear and peaceful blue-green waters are seen the ancient beech trees that surround the mountains and the mountains in the distance. The scenery is imaginative and leaves the impression of a deep mystery so much so that everyone wants to remain captivated in that harmony of nature and the dark areas where the sun is barely stingy and where the scents of the country show the vast diversity of plant and animal life, the lifeguards of the beautiful Biograd gore. The sights of the rainforest reserve, other natural values and landscapes of the national park are the areas for inclusion in the World Natural Heritage and the international ecological program of Čovek and the biosphere. History has left deep traces in these areas. The cultural and historical heritage of the national park consists of archeological sites, sacral monuments, folk architecture. Numerous indigenous objects of folk architecture in villages and squires, houses, whirlpools, towers, and watermills are scattered around the rim of the Bjelasica mountain reserve. The paintings of Pešica hills, Vranjak, Sisak, Vragodo are very picturesque and attractive. The slope of the slope rises, the trenches are filled, and the crevices fall into the sound of the cacti. With indisputable natural beauty, on each track you will find authentic indigenous objects of folk architecture and local people with their interesting stories and culinary masterpieces. If you are a hiking fan, you have the chance to win the highest peak of Bjelasica, Black Head (2137 m), from which you can see another nice lake - Ursulovač